After the Fall
It spread virulently. It killed mercilessly. Nobody knows where "the Death" came from, but within days millions were dead; within weeks it was billions. The few survivors gathered supplies and staked out territories hoping to stay alive. Luckily, (perhaps) you are one of these survivors. Your goal is to gather enough resources and build up enough self-sufficiency to make it through the impending winter. Further, the success of all players will indicate the fate of the entire human race. Can you survive after the fall?
Game Play
Each player has established a home base and has a colony of six people plus a leader. Every turn the colony produces resources. Then players can allocate their workers to scavenge different areas or stay home to work on projects. Completed projects are built, and then resources are consumed. Hopefully you'll have enough to survive.
Current State
After the Fall has been extensively play tested. The biggest obstacle now is finding a way to produce it in a cost-effective manner. Given that the game includes over 300 cards plus a number of mats, the current production cost is close to $60. Work continues to ready the resources for a one-off full quality prototype to use for continued play testing and demoing. To achieve that, another big graphical redesign will soon be completed.